Dear potential host family
Esbjerg Gymnasium will this year, between April 23rd 2023 and April 29th 2023, be hosting a European sports tournament for schools called ‘Euroschoolsport’. Although the main focus is the sporting tournament, it also aims to provide the participating students with an insight into different cultures, and an opportunity to socialize with students from other countries. We are therefore appealing to you in the hope you will consider becoming a host family, and help Esbjerg Gymnasium with the biggest logistical hurdle in connection with hosting the tournament. With your help we will be able to provide our guests with a comfortable stay in Denmark and a unique insight into Danish culture.
What will be required from a host family?
As the tournament is meant as a social and cultural event as well as a sports tournament, the host families will play an integral role in providing an insight into what daily life in Esbjerg is like. Our aim is therefore to minimize disruptions to normal routines, which has the added benefit of making the role of being a host family much easier as there will be few logistical changes to your normal week.
As a host family you will be agreeing to the following obligations:
Collection and drop-off of students upon arrival at the school and departure from the school.
Providing a bed for the student(s) to sleep in e.g. spare bed, mattress, inflatable bed, fold-up bed etc. We do NOT expect you to provide a separate bedroom, and we hope you will consider hosting more than one student.
Provide breakfast on all mornings the student is with you.
To help with drop-off and collection of your guest. This can be by car, bus, train or bike, which ever method of transport is most convenient for you and your family.
As a host family there are also a number of benefits:
You and your son/daughter will be invited to participate in some of the cultural and social activities which will be taking place through the week, and also the closing ceremony on Friday 1st May.
The chance to speak and practice English or another foreign language with a native speaker over the course of the week.
An opportunity to earn CAS points
If you would like to help and support the school by becoming a host family, we just need you to complete the online registration template which can be accessed through the link below:
Please do not hesitate to contact us should have any questions.